Puppy Socialization

Puppy Socialization

What Is Puppy Socialization?

Puppy Socialization is a way to introduce new puppies to a variety of situations. These situations could include different sounds, textures, as well as other people and dogs. This socialization period lasts about the first 3 to 14 weeks after the puppy is born. It is a small window as skill proficiency of the pet declines over time. This ideal 12 weeks is when your pet will learn the most and become used to their surroundings. Socialization should be in a gradual and controlled manner.  It should also always be positive and let the puppy feel that they have a choice. This includes not forcing the puppy into anything and using treats for positive reinforcement.  A trainer is always recommended, although not mandatory.

Why Is Puppy Socialization So Important?

The socialization period is a dog’s main way of seeing what is dangerous and what is safe. It is during this time that a dog will understand the different sounds and objects around its environment and learn to be comfortable around them. Oftentimes, where a dog is scared of a vacuum cleaner or loud noises, they were not trained to be around them as a puppy. This fear is not a small issue and can affect our pets for the rest of their lives, often causing behavioral issues and the feeling of being unsafe. Positive reinforcement is 

important during this socialization period. This method uses treats and lots of praise to convince the puppy that whatever you are introducing them to, is good. Positive reinforcement often takes out all the negative factors that a puppy sees in new objects and replaces them with more welcoming and safe ones.

Use of relationships is also a great way of socialization. It gets the puppy used to having relationships with other people and pets. 

This method is super simple as all you have to do is spend time with your pet.  Although, it is equally important that your pet spends some quiet time by him/herself so that he/she is comfortable with being alone to decrease the risk of separation anxiety in the future. Once your puppy is fully vaccinated to protect him/her against serious diseases, it is time to introduce your puppy to other dogs. All dog-to-dog interactions should be positive so please start by selecting dogs that are equal in size and activity level to play together.  Once your puppy is comfortable with this, it is important that your pet is socialized with other dogs of different sizes and personalities.

Using Pheromones

An important aspect of puppy socialization includes the use of pheromones. Pheromones are semiochemicals that many species of animals produce to help communicate. Bonding pheromones communicate to the puppy and mimic the same pheromones that a mother would give off when nursing her puppies. These are used to calm the puppy and help the socialization process. Puppies that use these bonding pheromones are proven to cry and whine less than puppies that don’t use these pheromones. 

Adaptil is one of the main pheromone product producers. They sell collars (made for the puppy to carry the pheromones everywhere), diffusers, travel sprays (good to get the puppy used to the crate), and many more pheromone infused products. All of these can make the puppy feel safe and help to increase the success during the socialization period.